Wednesday, April 2, 2014

SAPUI5: Table: how to bind a list into a cell of a Table?

see the discussion:

SAPUI5: How to set the appearance of Table control?

In short:

The demo uses Blue Crystal theme, hence it shows the vertical lines between the columns of the table. If you are using Gold Reflection theme, then to get the vertical lines, you need to play with CSS.

Add the below snippet of CSS between <head></head> of your html file.
      .sapUiTableTr>td {
                      border-right: 1px solid #cccccc !important;

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

SAPUI5: how to decide which type of view (html, xml, JS) be used in your app?


SAPUI5 & SAP Gatway: What is the best solution for user authentication for Sapui5 apps to access backend vis Gateway?


SAPUI5: How to disable caching in IE browser while doing ODate services?

SAPUI5: How to run a sapui5 app packed with PhoneGap on iPhone?

SAPUI5: How to evaluate a sapui5 app in terms of memory consumption for source code and excution?

see answers below:

SAPUI5: How to directly bind two data properties into one control property using OData model?

see the ansers in the link:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SAPUI5: How to show an animation of a progressing indicator While processing OData request?

 Sr. Sys Developer●Enterprise Mobility●SAP●Android●iOS●WebTop Contributor

In my SAPUI5 app, I made an animated progressing indicator. However, if I start the animation before sending the OData request or start it in the event of requestSent handler function, the animation does not work. Do I have to run the indicator in another thread, if so, how to doi it?


In sapui5 1.19.1, the new .create() API is

     oODModel.create('myDataSet',oEntry, null, onSuccess, onError, bAsyn);

which will solve the issue by setting the last param to true. I will update my SAPUI5 plugin and try it.